No Manches Frida (2016)

No Manches Frida (2016)
 IMDB Rating:

5.5/10 from 2,649 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Comedy Romance

 Starring by:

Martha Higareda Mónica Dionne Omar Chaparro

 Directed by:

Nacho G. Velilla


Germany Mexico United States





 Story Plot: After his release from prison, bank robber Zequi sets off to recover the stolen money that was buried by his dizzy accomplice. He's horrified to learn that a high school gymnasium is now standing over the site where the loot is stashed. Needing to infiltrate the building, Zequi lands a job as a substitute teacher for a group of wild and unruly students. As the ex-con tries to lay down the law, he starts to realize that life in jail may have been easier than trying to deal with rebellious teens.

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