Shannon Matthews: The Musical… The Movie! (2024)

Shannon Matthews: The Musical... The Movie! (2024)
 IMDB Rating:

8.0/10 from 138 votes IMDb


Comedy Musical

 Starring by:

Joseph McCallum Rob Kirtley Samantha Hindman

 Directed by:

Samantha Hindman


United Kingdom





 Story Plot: Foul-mouthed mother-from-hell Karen Matthews is fed up being a nobody, until she hatches a cunning plan for a shot at the big time. Henpecked common-law husband Craig Meehan has an unhealthy obsession with his laptop. Simple-minded uncle Michael Donovan just wants to fill the void left by his two daughters getting taken into care. Stereotypical Yorkshire copper D.I. Radgitt faces a race against time to unravel the web of lies and find the missing girl, little Shannon Matthews, aged 9.

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